What to Expect

Tranquility Meditation - Sundays 9:30am - 10:00am

Silent or Tranquility meditation (Shamata) is done weekly during our open Sunday program.

Please arrive at least five minutes before 9:30am to allow time for getting settled in. If you are attending virtually, please connect to the web session at least five minutes before the class starts.

Sunday greeters will be available for guidance if you are attending in person.

There will be a short opening prayer followed by the ringing of a meditation gong to mark the begging and ending of sessions.

At the conclusion of the Open Meditation, a short dedication prayer is recited.

You may sit for all or part of the session.

Please enter and exit quietly and respectfully, and keep voices low in the Shrine Room.

Chenrezig - Sundays 10:00am - 11:00am

There will be a group reciting of the Chenrezig Sadhana. The sadhana will be recited in Tibetan. Sadhana texts will be provided.

The Chenrezig Empowerment is not required to participate in the group practice.

What to Wear

If you are attending these programs in-person, comfortable clothing that is appropriate for sitting cross-legged on cushions works best. Short-shorts, short skirts and tank tops are discouraged.

Please, no shoes in the shrine room.

Dharma Talk - Sundays 11:00am - 12:00pm

The Dharma talks are not given every Sunday but will be announced in emails and on this website.

The talks will be on various topics. The speakers will be Khenpos, Lamas, and senior students.